Sometimes we lose our sense of individuality in our relationships. In our attempts to love and care for our significant others (and even our families after marriage) some may have the tendency slowly let go of the things in our lives that are important to us. Ask yourself, what do I do on a daily basis for myself? How do I make myself a priority on a regular basis.

A good balance of self-responsibility and self love sits at the core of over all relationships. It affects how we communicate and connect to our loved ones. If the balance is too heavily weighted in over responsibility, it can lead to co-dependence which will ultimately be detrimental to any relationship.

These are a few suggestions you can use to make sure you maintain a healthy balance:

  1. Take time to do something spontaneous for yourself
  2. Make time for the “Girls” or “Boys”
  3. Make a list of 30 things that you enjoy doing
  4. Start your own “Bucket List”
  5. Finally, Lighten up and Laugh Often!

In conclusion, creating and maintaining a healthy balance is the key. Take time to look over and internalize the suggestions above. If you forget, look over them again (believe me I have to do this myself). Remember, its all about the right combination of interdependence and individuality. Let’s keep striving to learn this together.